Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Office Supplies To Have

Office Supplies Can be a Daunting Task This is what I did to stay alive through it.
The most exciting thing in the world, oh if I had a billion dollars I would jump right into the local store and buy office supplies GALORE. No questions asked, and if a lady came over to offer me help I would decline because If she did help me I would probably end up kissing her.


I love shopping for office supplies, there is nothing better in this world than shopping for those wonderful little tools.

*****End B.S***

If life were like that, I wouldn't ever drink another glass of wine. Unfortunately for those of us condemned enough to have to go shopping for supplies everyone else uses, this one's for you . Cut the time off your trip in half. Get everything organized before you go. The logic behind this little trick is you spend more time in a place you enjoy creating the list of the things you hate as oppose to wandering around aimlessly in a building you are secretly planning to burn down.

Know what you are going to buy. Make a list and check it twice and we'll see if you've been naughty or nice the big bad office supply man is here. So you don't have to spend hours with a sales person, have a list and if they approach point to the first office supply on your list, done and done!

Now, shopping for office supplies is not a complicated task and that’s probably why it’s so damn boring. But if you created a little game to play maybe that would make it a little better? Try this.

If you have a list of 50 products spend no less than 60 seconds on each product. That means you have to be out of the door and checked out driving away within 50 minutes of your arrival. It’s like a race to the finish. Give it a shot, why the heck not?

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